It’s All In The NumbersAnalytical and precise, Suzanne wanted a search visibility strategy that yielded real, visible results. We developed a plan that boosted her website’s organic traffic through careful optimization.
The ObjectiveClosing The Gap
Despite her envy-inducing reputation and sales record, Suzanne’s online presence had lagged behind. Our mission was to bridge this divide and level the playing field, showing that she is just as digitally savvy as her competitors.
The SolutionA Winning Strategy
The pillar of every effective SEO strategy is smart keyword selection and integration. Our team worked with Suzanne to understand which pages were vital so we could craft an appropriate strategy to drive traffic to them.
Key highlights
Comprehensive Audit
We reviewed her website, existing keyword strategy, and competitors to help us find the right strategy.
Keyword Selection
Our team conducted keyword research to find search phrases that had the most potential to help Suzanne’s website rank higher.
Focused Implementation
We identified the most critical target pages and poured our effort into making them as rankable as possible.
The ResultsRising to The Challenge
After implementing our game plan, Suzanne’s website has seen an appreciable uplift in several important metrics.
Success Metrics
31.5% month-on-month
1,300% increase for her Gulf Stream community page
Up to 66% increase for
select keywords
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