Why Real Estate Marketing Content Should Be Visual
Have you tried analyzing and evaluating the results of your social media posts in the past few weeks? You might have noticed that there’s a higher rate for impressions on posts that are visual in nature such as photos and infographics. That’s because by a small margin, visual posts can grab more attention than text only status updates. This is the reason why Facebook is always touted as number one and Twitter is the second best. No matter how you put it, people will pay more attention if there is something that will grab their attention like an interesting infographic or intriguing photo.
Here are several reasons why visuals are the way to go for marketing for the real estate industry.
- You are dealing with properties and homes and these all require photos. It would really be awkward to just write down a description of the house or property. There’s a limit to what a person can imagine. In addition to a detailed description, photos are imperative because they make things clear for parties in terms of property details. What might be a big pool for you might be a small pool for the buyers.
- Visual social networking sites have a higher success rate than HTML or simple word post sites. Ever wonder why websites like 9gag.com or Tumblr.com have a higher concentration of users compared to something like Livejournal.com? It’s because users have filled the former websites with pictures.
- People Using More Visual Friendly Networks
This is the reason why Facebook and Twitter have spent millions of dollars in acquiring websites like Instagram and Vine. They know for a fact that people are on this medium. Not only that they are also doing business through these sites. Instagram alone has made people a lot of money and its never too late for real estate marketers to jump into the “bandwagon” so to speak and market your services and your properties. Create a campaign that’s going to specifically rely on the use of visuals for improved results or even doubled sales.
A visual friendly marketing campaign for real estate marketers does not just fall directly to things Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or even Vine. It will also need a solid and beautiful looking website; something that is Agent Image’s forte. If you have additional questions or if you feel like you need to get going on this paradigm shift, feel free to send us an email at [mail_to email="[email protected]"][email protected][/mail_to].