Use the Word ‘REALTOR®’ Correctly In Your Domain and Email Address
You might be asking yourself, "can I use REALTOR® in my domain name?" The term ‘REALTOR®' is a trademark in the real estate business that describes a real estate licensee who works in the real estate business and is a member of the National Association of REALTORS®(NAR) and abides by its Code of Ethics. A real estate agent doe not have to be a member of NAR.
All too often, real estate agents misuse the word 'REALTOR®' in their domain name for their real estate website and get their attention called by the real estate professionals at NAR. The term simply indicates that you are a licensed member of NAR, and improper use of it can be misleading to the uninformed.
For example, a site that proclaims they are the “best Realtor in town” is like saying they are the “best member of NAR” – which doesn't make sense.
Given the competitive landscape of the real estate business, most find ways to use the REALTOR® mark as part of a domain name or address to distinguish themselves from the competition.
Rules for Using ‘REALTOR®' Correctly
However, there are rules governing the proper use of the REALTOR® mark that must be followed at all times and apply to all types of media, including the domain name (website address) and even the content on your website.
To minimize improper use of the term, the correct use of the REALTOR® mark is clearly explained in The National Association's Membership Marks Manual.
The following is a summary of the basic rules with regard to the use of the REALTOR® mark in domain names:
The term REALTOR®, whether used as part of a domain name or in some other fashion, must refer to a member or a member's firm.
If a real estate agent is not a member of NAR, they can not use the term "REALTOR®." While you do not have to be a NAR member, they offer many valuable membership benefits.
The term REALTOR® may not be used with descriptive words or phrases.
For example,,,, or are all incorrect.
The term REALTOR® should never be used to denote an occupation or business.
Do not combine words like “your,” “my,” “our” or any descriptive words or phrases between your name and the membership mark. and are all examples of improper use.
For use as a domain name or e-mail address, the term REALTOR® does not need to be separated from the member's name or firm name with punctuations.
For example, and would be correct uses of the term as a part of domain names.
The email addresses [email protected] and [email protected] are both correct uses of the term as part of an e-mail address.
The REALTOR® block R logo should not be used as hypertext links on a website
Such uses of the REALTOR® mark can suggest an endorsement or recommendation of the linked site by your Association.
The only exception would be to establish a link to the National Association's website,, or its official property listing site,
Another noteworthy point is that although the manual stipulates that the REALTOR® mark should always be capitalized in capital letters, it is acceptable for it to appear in lower case for domain names and web addresses only. This is because internet addresses and domain names only use lower case letters as a matter of standardization.
Always use the realtor marks (the logo) and the trademark (®) if you use the term REALTOR® anywhere else on your real estate website.
Truth be told, the real estate industry can be cut-throat. Even little things can affect your business. The guidelines above ensure that using the REALTOR® trademark properly gives you that edge. For further reading, check out this page for more details.